
Controllers make your applications work, they control your application behavior. All event handling and application logic should happen in the controllers. Controllers are not usually responsible for creating any DOM elements but they do pass them around between views from time to time (only between the views the controller "owns").

Public functions for handling controllers


Adds (registers) a new controller (but does not start it yet).
Arguments: [string] controllerName, [function] constructor, [object] methods
$controllers.add('articles', function(options) {
// this here is the constructor function of the controller. here we can do something with options if we want to.
}, {
onStart: function() {
this.helloView = views.start('someView', { text: 'Hello World' });
onStop: function() {


Starts the application, or starts a specific controller.
Arguments: (optional) [string] controllerName, [mixed] options
Returns: [controllerInstance]
var someController = controllers.start('article', { key: 'value', key2: 'value2', key3: { subkey1: 'subvalue' } });

By doing this, you can start a controller called article. When you start a controller, a new instance of that controller is created and returned to you (loaded into the someController variable in the example above). This means you can access the controller methods directly from the controller like this: someController.[methodName]();

Calling $controllers.start() with no arguments

If you omit the controllerName and pass no arguments to the $controllers.start() function, Maverick tries to find the controller that is routed to the current URI based on the routes.

Passing variables to controllers

The second argument (called options) is meant for passing variables to the controller. The keys (values) you pass in the second argument will end up being available from the constructor function of the controller. In addition to that, these keys (and values) will get prototyped to that controller instance, meaning they are available anywhere from the controller via this.key and this.key2 and this.key3 . The prototyping only happens when the passed keys do not override any of the native (previously prototyped) methods.


Stops a controller instance.
Arguments: [controllerInstance]
Returns: [boolean] true if the controller was stopped
Note: you can also stop controllers directly through their instances like this: someController.stop();


Enable/disable the automatic URI to controller routing (which is enabled by default)
Arguments: [boolean] enabled
This is extremely useful when you want to intercept the URI to controller routing or build your own.
Note: the demo application bundled with the download also disables the automatic URI to controller routing to keep the navigation bar in the top area of the application persistent across any URI changes and only change the contentContainer element's contents.

Common functions available from within controller instances


Starts a new listener. (Note: this function is only available from within the scope of a controller or a view instance)
Arguments: [string] eventName, [function] callback
this.listen('uri.changed', function() { alert('Someone changed the URI!'); });
The example above would register a new listener function that gets triggered whenever the 'uri.changed' event occurs. (Note: the 'uri.changed' event is a common event that occurs automatically every time the application URI is changed.)
You can also bind multiple listeners to the same event within one controller.

All listeners are deleted upon stopping the controller instance.


Triggers an event. (Note: this function is only available from within the scope of a controller or a view instance)
Arguments: [string] eventName, [mixed] data
this.trigger('someEvent', { key1: 'data1', key2: 'data2' });
The example above would trigger an event called 'someEvent'. All listeners that are bound to that event get executed at that point.

Events scope
All events listened to and triggered from controllers are shared throughout the application. This means you can trigger an event from a controller and listen to that event from a view, and vice versa.